Halos and Pitchforks, Round 4

So I’ve done 3 of these before, and they were fun (for me, anyway) each time.  I didn’t have any readers at all back then, though.  Something about categorizing/tagging posts; I never had before; that came later.  (And then, voila – traffic!) Funny part is, in Part 3, I made fun of myself for 2.5 … More Halos and Pitchforks, Round 4

The word ‘assume’ makes an ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and…nope, still you

When I was growing up, my mother passed down many unsolicited-but-now-wholeheartedly-appreciated “Pearls of Wisdom”.  One of these was, “never assume.  Look at how it is spelled; to ‘assume’ makes an ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and out of ‘me’.” Like many such parental Pearls, this one stuck with me. Given the cognitive viscosity of the average … More The word ‘assume’ makes an ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and…nope, still you

A year (and a day) in the life of a wheat germaphobe

Welp, I made it (not that I have a choice…well, actually you always have a choice, but it the alternatives might not be conducive to prolonged life).  Dinner at the 100%-gluten-free Little Aussie Cafe & Bakery was the understandable highlight of the fanfare surrounding this particular little event. The journey thus far has not been … More A year (and a day) in the life of a wheat germaphobe

6 months gluten-free

I didn’t even cheat.  Well, at least not intentionally.  Look, I had no idea that GlutenFlam was not an outright get-out-of-jail-free card.  I thought I was perfectly covered.  Once I found out that I wasn’t, I never indulged again. I’m here to say that despite the fact that gluten-free is catching on in some of … More 6 months gluten-free

Separating the wheat from the shafted

How pathetically ironic is it that someone born under the astrological sign whose logo is the depiction of a fair golden-haired maiden in tender guardianship of a basket brimming with freshly harvested wheat, has, after an entire life of peanut butter sandwiches, been relegated to the ranks of a population known as the “gluten-sensitive”?  Somebody … More Separating the wheat from the shafted