Why I might unfollow a blog (Part 2)

(This is a continuation of my previous post, creatively titled the same except it’s “Part 1”) 😉 There’s toxic positivity/victim-shaming, especially in the arena of mental health/illness.  “Just think positive!” doesn’t work for everyone.  For these bloggers, it almost seems like if you’re not leading some rock star life that rocks the free world, you’re … More Why I might unfollow a blog (Part 2)

Diary of a Sunday (aka random-ass thoughts) ~ 05-20-2018

Hmmm… WordPress wants me to “share my story here“.  WordPress should probably be careful what it asks for (lol). My only real story at the moment is that it has rained (a thunderstorm that actually spared our power supply!), which means that the temperature has dropped a good few degrees in the last hour, and … More Diary of a Sunday (aka random-ass thoughts) ~ 05-20-2018

Who remembers?

Usually I can’t remember what I had for breakfast yesterday.  Oh, alright, you got me; I always remember what I ate the morning before, because it’s always the same: bacon.  OK, so I cheated there.  Made for a good opening cliché though, right? Heh.  😉 Alrighty then, let’s try another… I might not remember what … More Who remembers?

The *Epic Fail* of pharmaceutical advertising on TV

Over the years, I’ve noticed some fairly egregious logical fallacies, half-truths, outright borderline-deception, and other ridiculousness in the arena of pharmaceutical drugs advertised on TV (“Direct-to-Consumer” advertising, or “DTC”).  The slipperiness and spin are atrocious.  I thought I’d point out a few examples.  The rhetorical retorts that follow the bolded phrases are almost exclusively the … More The *Epic Fail* of pharmaceutical advertising on TV