It’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission 

Ah, it feels good to have those 3 acupuncture needles out of my back.  Don’t get me wrong, acupuncture is not supposed to hurt at all (save for a millisecond of mild discomfort I can only describe as “bone-like”), but really, it’s not a dealbreaker in the slightest. My body does weird shizz, though.  First, … More It’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission 

You know you’re med-school fried when…

You automatically see pathological radiographic (x-ray) findings in unrelated things like cloud formations and dryer lint trap distribution. You automatically add your student intern number to the end of your signature on a credit card slip at the grocery store. You answer your home phone saying “[staff doc name]ʼs desk”. You donʼt own any blue ballpoint pens, … More You know you’re med-school fried when…

A tale of 2 seminars

They say the best doctors keep learning, and hopefully that applies to me–even if not today, maybe someday soon.  The area of study upon which I have focused a fresh set of crosshairs involves a cross between two desires: to further my intellectual arsenal (translation: more knowledge = better patient care) and to protect my … More A tale of 2 seminars

Hindsight is 20/10: Parker Edition, Part 3: Outpatient Clinic

This is the third and final installment (see Part 1 and Part 2) of my look-back at all the gems people have wisely passed on.  Much like a secret handshake, good advice won’t necessarily jump out at you; you have to go seek it.  My hope is that these posts change at least some of … More Hindsight is 20/10: Parker Edition, Part 3: Outpatient Clinic

Hindsight is 20/10: Parker Edition, Part 2: Student Clinic

The saga continues (find Part 1 here).  Tri 6 at Parker College is the big change-over from academic dominance into clinic practicum.  Since this is our first rodeo in terms of being responsible for real patients (partnering up in Tris 4 and 5 don’t really count, because it’s not like you had to go recruiting…and … More Hindsight is 20/10: Parker Edition, Part 2: Student Clinic

Why (*not*) Parker: picking apart the ‘Parker Difference’

I know, I know, I keep ripping on Parker (College of Chiropractic, that is).  Hindsight is 20/20 and the grass is always greener and everything happens for a reason and all that.  I get it. But let’s face it: if you’re considering becoming a chiropractic doctor or you’ve already decided to become one and now it … More Why (*not*) Parker: picking apart the ‘Parker Difference’