Things that make me giddy…

Certain events and phenomena make me giddy, a sensation I can only describe as a happy, optimistic, excited feeling.  It comes from deep inside, probably from my core, and almost feels like seismic activity.  Giddiness brings incredible innocent pleasure, each different phenomenon igniting different facets of my being and electrifying them. Perplexed yet?  Still with … More Things that make me giddy…

2016 ~ The year the lightning bolt struck and everything changed…

Susan Miller, over at Astrology Zone (by far the best and most accurate astrologer I’ve ever known), had said early on in 2016 that Virgos could expect to be able to draw a line in the sand between everything that occurred before 2016 and everything that occurred afterward.  Although she didn’t (couldn’t) provide specifics (everyone’s … More 2016 ~ The year the lightning bolt struck and everything changed…