Dear Dad…

It’s that time of night again, and the muse is not only sitting on my shoulder but she’s stomping dents in it. I did one of these for your mom (when she was still alive) and practically everybody else who has passed away.  You don’t deserve any less, that’s for sure. I feel ashamed that … More Dear Dad…

People do *not* just herniate discs in their sleep (unless…)

Uhhh, yes they do. If they’re me, that is.  Or any of the other 13 people on this planet to whom Weird Shizz like this happens. Don’t worry; I’m trying to figure it out myself. Here are the facts as I understand them. Sometime in July of 2015 (yep, going on two years ago), I … More People do *not* just herniate discs in their sleep (unless…)


I went to sleep Friday night knowing that I had gotten bitten.  Itchy little bumps had formed on my legs, just below the kneecap.  I scratched, as usual, and said to myself, “aw, hell.” But I put it out of my mind and didn’t give it another thought. I woke up yesterday morning in physical … More Chiggers!